IARS-IRJ Subscription

I'IRJ Subscription & Benefits

Subscription is open to all

IARS’ International Research Journal has been offered completely "OPEN ACCESS" at IARS' ResEARTH Platoform 

IARS’ International Research Journal offers free of cost subscriptions to individual researchers, students, professional, and others. The organizations from education, research, manufacturing, servicing, and other working sectors are also invited to subscribe this valuable International Research Journal.

IARS’ International Research Journal publishes outcomes of recent research works from original authors and distributes this work for global awareness and progresses. With a subscription to this valuable international journal, in a very low cost, the subscriber ensures not to miss any issue of it released in the duration of subscription. The list of benefits of subscribing to such international journal may be too long to accommodate in one page, yet the major benefits may be bullet pointed as follows:

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